Gordon Palmer currently serves as the president of the Board of Directors for SportsAbility Alliance (formerly Florida Disabled Outdoors Association). Since FDOA was founded in 1990, Gordon has been involved as a participant, volunteer, and board member. His first exposure to the organization was through the SportsAbility Expo, and he was instantly captivated by FDOA’s mission. Throughout the years, the SportsAbility Expo has remained Gordon’s favorite FDOA program.
Gordon's advice to newly injured people...
“... be strong, get an education and get to work. It's worth it.”
When he was 18, Gordon was injured in a car accident two weeks before his high school graduation, which left him a quadriplegic. He says he was blessed to have the support of his family and friends after the accident and would not have made it as far as he has without their support. Gordon used his injury as a catalyst to begin advocating for others with disabilities. Over the years, he has been active in various non-profit organizations, including the Center for Independent living of North Florida (Abilities 1st) and the Florida Transportation Disadvantaged Commission. Gordon stated, “My advice would be to someone who is newly injured to be strong, get an education and get to work. It's worth it.” He wants others to know that there are also many organizations and agencies, like Vocational Rehabilitation, that will assist you.